부추라마 BooChooLaaMaa
2006년에 시작한 여성 2인조 동요 트리뷰트 밴드 부추라마는 그간의 활동을 정리한 40분간의 영상을 DVD로 발매하였다. 공연 영상과 연습 실황, 뮤직비디오가 혼합되어 있으며, 전국 초등학교를 답사하며 수집한 데덴찌 프로젝트가 포함되어 있다. 본 영상은 175갤러리, 보안여관 등에서 소개되었으며 무차원마법영상이라는 평을 받고 있다.
Female duo Boochoolamaa, a self-claimed as children’s songs tribute band since 2006, has released a 40 minutes DVD with the retrospective of the band’s activities. The DVD is mixture of Boochoolaamaa’s live concert, rehearsing, and music video, also includes a documentary project “Dedenchi(Korean children’s way of separating into groups),”which is shot and collected in elementary schools all over the country. The video has been screened in 175 gallery and Bo-an inn and has received a review as being a magically-dimensionless work.
for more information, please visit BooChooLaaMaa’s official website: http://www.boochoolaamaa.kr/dvd.html